Friday, December 12, 2008

Dentists, Baking and Wrapping

Dentists, Baking and Wrapping that pretty much sums up my week. On Tuesday we had Casey's second dentist visit. Not a good time but so much better than the first one. I did not lose any hair this time around and he was able to let go of my neck for more than a second. This time they were able to look in his mouth but sadly a cavity was found. Since he is being so hard at the appointment they have not been able to do a full check on his teeth, no x-rays and no really checking. So now we have the choice of either trying to come back enough to get him comfortable enough to be worked on or something called sedation dentistry. There are two levels of the sedation option, one in the office where the child is just on the end of being aware and one in the hospital where is fully out. Since it takes a while for him to get comfortable in new situations the first option is out. Who knows how long that would take and by the time he was comfortable things would be really bad. The sedation in the office is not a sure thing, there is no guarantee he would be calm enough for the work that needed to be done so... I think we will have to do the full hospital visit. I know that many kids younger than him have much more work done but when its your own child they just seem so small. It will be the best option because we can get x-rays, all cavities take care of and have his teeth sealed. If only he would be willing to have his teeth worked on in the office, it would make life so much easier.

Yesterday I tried my hand at fudge. I though I had everything needed but was missing the most important part, the chocolate chips. For some reason they disappear, mainly Brent will eat them and not tell me when there gone. I did have some peanut butter chips and some Starbucks chocolate bars and truffles. So I figured why not just use those. For the peanut butter fudge I added some raspberry coffee syrup. Not enough to change the color but just enough to make you stop and say whats that other flavor. As for the second pan...I have to get it out of the house before I eat the entire thing. The chocolate bars were dark and coffee infused. Then I added just a little bit of Bailey Irish Creme to the mix. Yummy Yummy Yummy.

I have never been a fan of wrapping presents. Last year I used a bunch of bags and called it good which I would have done this year but just never got around to getting them. So after the fudge making I had Casey give me a hand. Thankfully he did not get into to much trouble. He just had fun taking the left over strips of papper and cut them into hundreds of little pieces. So much fun to clean up. I would have taked pictures but my son had hidden the camera and I did not want to search the house for it yet. :(

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