Casey saw it and wanted to know why I put carrots in cupcakes and why we were having cupcakes for supper. They were not sweet cupcakes but instead bbq chicken "cupcakes". I just took dough from a can and cut it into six pieces and put it in a large greased muffin tin. Then topped it with frozen veggi mix and cheese. Then baked it for 30 mins at 350. I baked it uncovered for 20 mins and then covered for the last ten just to make sure it didn't burn. Very yummy and very easy.
While the muffins cooked I also baked some spaghetti squash. I love this stuff and figured that since the oven was on I would roast it along side. This time I rubbed garlic over the squash and then used some spicy stuff on it and put it in a baking dish with wine and then covered with foil.
When its done you just take a fork to it and it will come out of the skin just like spaghetti. I love the stuff but it is not a big hit with the guys in the family. So you can tell what my lunch for the next few days will be... Yummy.
This weekend Brent is going to scout for his upcoming hunting trip so Casey and I will have a few days to just hang out. A picnic on the pull out bed and hopefully a trip to the Saturday Farmers Market. Then maybe a second veiwing of Cars2 now that its in the cheap theater but who knows.
Its hard to believe October is so close. Dont know where the time goes anymore but I do enjoy the changing leaves and all the fun that comes with the cooler weather.
Your cupcake supper looks really good - but where's the meat???!! That's what my family would say.
Love you!
You just tell them its a game of hind and seek. The meat it hidden under the yummy veggies.
Wow - I am glad you are back!!! I just clicked on your name in my favorites bar and thought I would check for something new...and here were three new posts!!1 It is fun to catch up. The supper muffins - with carrots - sure looked good. So does the squash! I'd help you eat it! Glad all is going well with Casey and school. Thanks for posting....!
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