Thursday, September 18, 2008

Camping 08

So I was looking though some of the camping pictures for the year and just had to post some. Our last camping trip was in Stanley, although I am not sure if you can call it camping. We stayed in the Stanley Lodge, so there was not fire and no tent. We did do some fishing and a short hike. I am very thankful that we decided to stay in the hotel, not only because of the weather. The drive to Stanley was rather interesting. We decided to take the path that takes you over the mountain, very pretty but rather slow going with all the twists and turns. Needless to say we learned that Casey gets a little car sick when he eats Goldfish and has to much to drink. With about and hour left in the drive he threw up in his car seat. We stopped on the side of the road, got him cleaned up and cleaned up the car. Sadly it had to be done with baby wipes and they only do so much. The rest of the drive was with the windows down and taking only small shallow breaths. Once in Stanley we did a better job of cleaning the car and the child. After that we headed out for some fishing. Casey loves to fish and loves to eat what he catches.
I was very glad for the hotel room and the shower after Casey decided to play with this old fire pit while waiting for daddy to clean the fish.
The second day we were there we went to the fish hatchery, its never a complete trip to Stanley with out at least one stop there. We were to late to see them working the fish but we did go down stream and see this...
Its hard to see the fish but there were a lot of salmon out spawning. You can see the black back of one of the fish in this picture. It was amazing to see the size of the fish and to see so many just hanging out doing their thing. Our little fisherman wanted to go back and get his fishing pole and bring a few home. Boy that made his daddy proud.
Before he headed home we did a short hike. Casey is very good about hiking, as long as we don't go to far.
Getting started...
Enjoying some juice and the mountains.
All in all it was a great weekend...minus coming home and having to clean the car up. Boy its hard to get the smell out but I think the white vinegar has done its job. Hopefully next year we will be able to get a few more camping trips in. I don't think we will do anymore this year, with the weather changing and hunting season starting I would say they are pretty much done.

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