As promised I am posting about my Robie Creek Run.
This year was my third year of running this race. This was the first race I had ever run. Brent talked me into it not long after we got married and I ran it for the first time in 2004 after doing nothing in terms of training. I finished that year in 2 hours 55 minutes and could not move well for almost a week after. Sadly I think that is when I became hooked on running. The second race was in 2007, why the long wait...Casey was born in 2005 three days after the race so no running that year and as far as 2006 I don't remember why I back out then. But my 2007 race was done in 2 hours 20 minutes and with much better training and less hurt afterwards. Its amazing how training right for something helps. :) As for the race this year...
It was a good race day, the weather was nice for the start. I did not stand there and shiver from the cold instead the nerves had me on edge but that's very normal.
Robie always has a theme and this year it was the Blue Period. As you can tell from the people many wore their blue attire, the fat lady was in a blue dress and started the race with Devil with a Blue Dress and the end token was a blue crayon. They even had blue corn chips to eat at the end.
So the race takes you up and over the side of a large hill/small mountain. Having run it before I knew that there were many spots that I would have to walk and there was no way around it but somehow I got mixed up in when the top of the hill was. I was sure it was mile 6 or 7 and was pushing myself to get there so I could have the joy of running down the backside. Nope it was not until mile 8 1/2 so for those couple of mile it was not a good race. But once I hit the top and at 1 hour 30 minutes it was all smooth sailing for me. I love the back side of Robie, all downhill and speed. I was able to get a 6 minute mile on the backside, compared to a 13 minute mile going up the hill. As I said before the weather started out wonderful and stayed nice but just hot. I had sunscreen on for the start of the race and I think I sweated it all off by mile three which meant my poor face is now starting to peel from the sunburn. :( Sad thing in on Sunday my legs felt fine it was my face that was in pain.
There is no better sight in any race that the finish line. Here is a pictures from the paper as I was coming across.
And the after party is always a lot of fun. Get good food, good drink and a chance to listen to some music with friends and compare notes about the race.
So all in all it was a great race and I will probably be doing it again next year.
I cannot post without a picture of Casey on his bike.
1 comment:
You improve your race each time and you make crossing the finish line so easy. My tongue would be hanging out and I would be bent over at the waist, and using my hands to pick up my legs to cross that line. Well, actually, I would never make it UP the hill...and to be even more honest, I wouldn't be starting!!! Happy to let you do it, Lenae!
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