Spring is trying to show its face here in Boise as you can see from the pictures.
Believe it or now these are the flowers that I planted a when we first moved into this house and I have managed to keep them alive. I am very good at killing plants. :(
Sadly this year we were not able to take Casey to the Zoo for the egg hunt. He has been fighting with this cold for a couple weeks. So I hid eggs around the house and he had the fun of looking for them. He also had an Easter basket to find and was very happy with the content. In fact the first thing he pulled out was the cars and did not want to look at the rest for a good hour.
With Casey being in school a couple times a week he gets to do a lot of projects. Here are the things he did for Easter.
We colored eggs this year as well. As you can tell he was very serious when it came to painting the color on.
As far as eating the eggs, he was not fond of that. In school they learned about the different parts of the egg and got to taste a hard boiled on. I was told that he took a bite and spit it right out. But dad and mom enjoyed the colored ones.
Some of you know that I run, well this Saturday is Robie Creek. If you have never heard of it check out www.robiecreek.com and you can see what its all about. The short rundown...its an annual half marathon in Boise run around tax time. We start at Fort Boise which is close to St. Luke's Hospital, then run up Robie Creek road (don't think small hill here think small mountain) and down the other side (the fear here is losing control and rolling down the other side). This race is a killer and why I am doing it for the third time I will never understand but I am. I got my number last night and am going to run on Saturday. Hopefully I will still be able to walk on Sunday. It is crazy to put myself though it I know but in the end being able to say I did Robie Creek is something kind of cool. Not to mention the great party afterwards that makes all the pain go away. I will let you all know how it turned out on Monday.
Others thing going on in the life of the Crumleys...not much. Brent is still working at HP, thankfully. I am still working for Casey and Casey is still being a sweet, lovable, stinker. We are working on potty training with him and it has its good days and bad days. But all in all things here are good.
1 comment:
Lenae, I was happy to see an update when I visited your sight today! Thank you. I think Casey had fun with Easter at home this year!!! I would have loved to watch him looking for eggs. I am happy too that you are doing the run again. That IS something kind of cool to "brag" about. Keep it up - the running part, not the bragging! And cheers for the potty training..... I always want to call but can't remember I want to when I can call. Like I think about you at night when sleep won't come....shall I call then??!! ha, NOT! Love you all
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