June 13, 2009 was a big day for the Crumley Family...Well Brent at least. It was the day of the Iron Man in Boise. Brent had trained for a few months for this race and was as ready as on could be for a race that was in total 70.3 miles long. It started with a swim of 1.2 miles in Lucky Peak. Then a bike ride of 56 miles that took them to the desert and back down to transition near Bodo in Boise. Finally they finished with a run of 13.1 miles. All of this madness started at 2:00 p.m. mainly because Lucky Peak is a cold body of water and they did not want to freeze everyone out. Brent had a few hours in the morning to stress and wonder why he was going to do this race. After he headed down to get things in order Casey and I did a few things around the house, ate lunch and then got ready to go try and catch daddy on the bike. Once I found a road that was not closed to do the race we found a great spot to watch the riders. Sadly we did not see Brent at this spot...either we left for downtown before he came or he was in a group and we missed him. Here are a couple pictures of the other riders, taken my Casey. I had to laugh at Casey, because as many of the riders went pasted I was cheering them on, saying things like good job and looking good. Well a few would respond with a thank you or a smile and a nod of the head. When ever one did not say or do something Casey wanted to know why. Trying to explain to a four year old that they were working to hard and needed to concentrate did not go over to well. Be he still had fun.
Once we left the bike riders we headed home so I could check and see how Brent did with the swim...55 minutes and 3 second with a transition from swim to bike of 4 minutes and 47 seconds. We then headed for down town to meet up with Trina, Holly and Jolene. That's then the day got interesting. Yes it was rain was expected but only a little and that is another reason we stopped at the house...to get rain coats. Best move I could have made. Once downtown it started to pour. I parked the car and just sat there watching the wipers working overtime and still falling behind with the rain on the windows. I could not believe I had forget an umbrella but I did. Once out of the car it took maybe a minute for me to be soaked to the bone and not caring about the weather. We started walking down the end of the bike course and ran into Jolene...Brent's sister. We then headed to the transition area for the bike and run. We did get to see Brent. 
Bike Transition

He did his bike portion of this race in 3 hours and 36 minutes with a transition time of 4 minutes and 19 seconds and then he was off for the run. We found a great spot to watch the run. We were able to see everyone four times. The run course was a loop on the greenbelt and they did twice and ended at Bodo. After seeing Brent start his second lap we headed to the finish line.
He did the run portion of this crazy day in 1 hour and 54 minutes...crazy if you ask me. That is a pace of 8:46.

What a day...we did not make it home until about 10:30. Everyone soaked to the bone and bone tired but all in all it was a fun day. Casey crashed on the ride home. I ate my supper once we got home and then feel into bed not to move until the next morning. Brent ate and then tried to calm his running mind and uneasy stomach. He did say he fully enjoyed the race and may do it again next year. His total race time was 6 hours and 35 minutes. All I can say is Wow and you will never see me doing one of these races.
1 comment:
WOW, WOW, WOW! Good post and fun to see pictures of what went on. You write a good story, Lenae! I cannot imagine what drives a person to attempt this but yea for them if they do!
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