Thursday, January 15, 2009

Costco Funny

So I have been awful about keeping up with my posting and I would love to change that but with Casey hating to have me on the computer I dont think it will be anytime soon. But I have to share this story. We went to Costco on Tuesday, not a store I go to often. There are always long lines at check out, so many people wondering around and come on, do I really need 5 gallons of mustard. But we made the trip to for the diapers and pork loin...strange combo I know. As you know the shopping carts are huge and have a stop for two kids to sit in. Casey was riding in the back, like you are not supposed to let them do but he was safe. He wanted to know why they had two seats, so I explained that if you have two kids they can both ride. He just kind of shrugged and didn't care. So I asked him if he would like to have a little brother or sister, no we are going to be having one anytime soon, I just wanted to ask. With a very straight face and no emotion he said no he wants to drive a dump truck or a fire truck or a crane. Just the way he said it made me laugh. No siblings for him just the joy of playing with the big equipment that we see along the road.

1 comment:

Mike, Alice, and Hank the DOG said...

What a nut is Casey - to think driving a crane would be better than a sibling.....however, hummmm! He needs to go visit John and Lorie and see those cranes. I understand they are huge ones. Then he for sure would want to drive one! Tell Carsy he has to let you on the computer long enough to post a blog once a week - or more if he keeps saying cute things! Because Aunty Alice said so!