Friday, June 24, 2011

Another Busy Day

Its Friday and has turned into another crazy day. After dropping off Casey I did a few more stops before heading home to get the laundry done. Then off to pick up Casey and take some old clothes to the Youth Ranch. After that we headed home and Casey played on the computer while I vacuumed the house. Kind of gross to see how much hair (mostly dog) can get in the carpet in a week. About 1:30 Casey headed to the zoo with his aunt. She wanted to spend a little time with him and thankfully he was willing to go by himself. Since he has been gone I have ran to Fred Meyer and then juiced a few more things for my many meals. I love that juicer but it takes a lot of time to do the juicing and then cleaning it. I think this is the first time I have sat down all day...not counting the car trips.

As for the update on the mouth...all good. It still does not hurt just annoying. I am done with the pain meds and the antibiotics. Thankfully this has also ment the swelling in my legs are going down pretty fast. I asked the teeth doc when I was there what he thought about the swelling. He said to give it a little more time and then maybe contact another doc. Thankfully it looks like I wont have to do that. :)

Now time to get supper started for the guys. Looks like a great weekend to spend some time outside. Enjoy your weekend. Enjoy your crunchy food. :P

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