Thursday, July 14, 2011

Another Thursday :)

Believe it or was a slow day at least compared to the past few days. Casey had school this morning and after dropping him off I went to Winco to get some fruit and what not. Have you ever had a yellow watermelon. Well I purchased one without knowing it. When I got home I cut into the watermelon I had chosen and to my surprise it was yellow. It taste pretty much like your typical red flesh ones just a little surprising to see yellow when you expect red. After a few more chores at home I went to get Casey. He was so happy because they are going to have an ice cream party tomorrow. I guess if they got a certain number of points for behaving they would get to have a party on the last day of school...they got all the points they needed and since tomorrow is the last day...they get to party. Hard to believe that summer school is now over and he will start 1st grade in August. Monday he starts swimming lessons for two weeks which if its anything like last year it will be a good time.

Now for the drama with our house. At last check, the washing machine is still working fine. The air conditioner is running just fine, and the stove part is in the mail and should be here soon. Now for the freezer, after lunch Brent had a few minutes so I got the old freezer unloaded and he moved it out of the way and moved the new one into place. I then loaded it up and now I am just waiting and praying that we got a good deal with it. I know it takes time to get to the right temp and I just need to be patient and not check on it every few minutes. I have not looked at it for a while and I am not going to check it until morning. I pray it will be frozen and everything will be fine. Now for the amazing thing, we sold the old freezer on Craigs today. There was a guy that buys appliances of any kind and in any condition so that means we dont have to worry about getting rid of it ourselves. Thank you Lord for your wonder hand on things and how you work them out for us.

My doctors appointment went very well. YA YA YA. He wanted to give it one more week of being partly open just because its only been a month and it wont hurt to give it that time. So next Wednesday I have an appointment and will get an xray to get a check. If all looks good we will schedule an appointment to get the wires off. :):):) Can you tell I am happy about it?

Well I am off to bed hope all had great day. Remember, the Lord is over all and he knows how it will end. Its easy to say it but hard to remember it when things get crazy.

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